Friday, June 3, 2011

Leadership and Influence

"Leadership is influence," while true to a certain extent, has become a hackneyed phrase used to summarize a topic that is as deep as it is wide. The phrase sounds good and perhaps even conveys a superficial understanding and mastery of all that is leadership. Leadership encompasses much more than merely influence. However, good leaders are not without influence and must be aware of their influence as they interact with others as this can spur them to action. While influence can be intentional, often times it is unintentional and subtle, appealing to the subconscious as a matter of interpretation and opinion by the recipient. 

As Hoy and Smith note, influence is comprised of many subcomponents and is not merely its own entity (2007). Understanding these subcomponents, their dynamic, and how they are inter-related is critical to understanding the true nature of influence and how it impacts leadership effectiveness. Perhaps the lack of awareness and understanding of what comprises influence has led to its overuse as a leadership synonym. 
Hoy, W., & Smith, P. (2007). Influence: A key to successful leadership. The International Journal of Educational Management, 21(2), 158-167. doi:10.1108/09513540710729944

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